Conceptualized and created in quarantine, Ghost Hum meditates on a longing for community, and the precipice of a threshold. Bright colors flare together, mimicking the energy of a neon sign and evoking the optical effect of afterimage. Each hand-stitched bead operates as a single point of light and converge together to create a unified message, a field of color, and a mass of texture as proximity changes.
This piece is included in the inaugural edition of Margin of Error (2021).
Conceptualized and created in quarantine, Ghost Hum meditates on a longing for community, and the precipice of a threshold. Bright colors flare together, mimicking the energy of a neon sign and evoking the optical effect of afterimage. Each hand-stitched bead operates as a single point of light and converge together to create a unified message, a field of color, and a mass of texture as proximity changes.
This piece is included in the inaugural edition of Margin of Error (2021).